5.3.  Edge

Revision History
Revision $Revision: 1623 $ 2006-11-19 j.h

5.3.1.  Overview

You can find this filter through Filters → Edge Detect → Edge....

Figure 16.80.  Applying example for the Edge filter

Applying example for the Edge filter

Original image

Applying example for the Edge filter

After applying the filter (Sobel option)

Figure 16.81.  Applying examples for the Edge filter

Applying examples for the Edge filter

After applying the filter (Prewitt option)

Applying examples for the Edge filter

After applying the filter (Gradient option)

Figure 16.82.  Applying example for the Edge filter

Applying example for the Edge filter

After applying the filter (Roberts option)

Applying example for the Edge filter

Figure 16.83.  Applying example for the Edge filter

Applying example for the Edge filter

After applying the filter (Laplace option)

5.3.2.  Options

Figure 16.84.  Edge filter options

Edge filter options


Edge detector offers several detection methods:

  • Sobel: Here, this method has no options and so is less interesting than the specific Sobel.

  • Prewitt: Result doesn't look different from Sobel.

  • Gradient: Edges are thiner, less contrasted and more blurred than Sobel.

  • Roberts: No evident difference from Sobel.

  • Differential: Edges less bright.

  • Laplace: Less interesting than the specific one.

Parameter Settings

Amount: a low value results in black, high-contrasted image with thin edges. A high value results in thick edges with low contrast and many colors in dark areas.

Wrap, Smear, Black: These options are not operational.